Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Case Study: $2,716 A Month With 5 Hours Of Work

I already have a pretty "serious" affiliate marketing business that takes up most of my time, but when I came up with the traffic broker idea I jumped on it to see if it would actually work.

Remember how I said I'm making an extra $2,716 a month from this with only 5 hours of work?

Well, let me show you exactly how I did that ...

For my test I decided to focus on beauty and skincare related CPA offers.

These are basically just affiliate offers where you earn between $30-40 in commissions when someone requests a "free trial" of a popular eye cream or anti-wrinkle product.

Now the most obvious market for these kinds of products is women between the ages of roughly 35-55, so I used a few free online tools to find websites with visitors that fit that demographic.

Next I sent out 14 emails and waited anxiously like a kid on Christmas Eve ...

I had no idea what the response would be like, but within 72 hours I had a handful of replies.

And to make a long story short, after going back and forth with a few of the sites for a few days, 2 of them agreed to place one or more ads for the skincare products on their sites.

The deal I offered them was simple ...

The skincare product I wanted them to advertise on their websites paid me $35, so I offered them $30 per "free trial" and told them I'd pay them once a month via PayPal.

That works out to 15% for me and 85% for them, which I thought sounded fair ...

At the time, both of the sites were only using Google AdSense ads to make money - earning literally pennies when people clicked on their ads - so they were happy to give my offer a try.

What happened next was, well, exactly what I expected. They started making sales, they were both happy with the extra revenue, and they're still running "my" ads to this very day.

I've been making money off of THEIR traffic for 4+ months and there's no end in sight.

I did have them test a few different offers to see which one worked best for each of their sites, and I've had a few other emails back and forth with both of them, but that's it.

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